
Fetish vs. lifestyle

theduke87 wrote:
Damn iPad unfortunately I didn't realize what I truly wanted till it was too late smiley

what do you mean 'too late'???
12 years

Fetish vs. lifestyle

As a gainer,there is a point at which it becomes a lifestyle.I got to that point a year or two back.
Once you have spent a couple of thousand on new clothes and spend huge amounts on food and find yourself downing a couple of pints of double cream (that's 'heavy cream'for those in the US)every night;that's more than a kinksmiley
12 years

Fetish vs. lifestyle

theduke87 wrote:
Had kid got married and my wife doesn't support this stuff at all but it's not like I'm going to divorce her over it i mean I love her and I work around it

so what are you gonna do about it?

lurk for the rest of your life on the sites like this ???? :o

or succumb, eventually, and cheat? smiley

Personally, I think life is too short NOT to be lived to the fullest. I ultimately try not to do anything I shall regret eventually (as a general rule). And THE FAT is just a part of that 'stand'.

So wat does it mean in terms of day-to-day life?

It doesn't mean that I will jump on just 'anybody' with the kinky part. That's my private thing and noone should know about it (gay people do not expose their intimacy either, for eg.)

It means i that I am not hiding my eating habits (and myself I am too big to hide anyway LOL), and also not hiding that I do not plan to loose any weight, no matter what other people (especially family) might say.

Even a step further: I actually am not ashamed to stand up for fat acceptance in real life. One example: I will take my 'straight' (read: thin LOL) girlfriend to London meetup. Without being afraid to be called 'looney' smiley. I just teach them all 'that fat thing' is just a part of who I am.

It is much more fair for all sides. Everybody knows where they're standing. And it has now (after 3 years of such approach) resulted in much more clarity, understanding and avoidance of unpleasant situations/comments.

And just an idea of living whole life surpressed: what a waist!
What a waist... smiley
12 years